5 Housemates' Senior Photos

Santa Barbara, CA | UCSB Class of 2015 | Senior Portraits

After getting her own photos done, Karen brought her four housemates back for a group photoshoot, which was a lot of fun. It was interesting to see all these personalities come together! I think they should all go model for Free People.

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Pyracantha Self-Portraits

I wanted to plant succulents to take to my apartment at school, and I had to trim the burro tail one to transport it. Since there were these pretty long strands of succulent, I couldn't let them go to waste. I also didn't have a model handy, so I decided to wear a succulent crown myself. However, the self-portraits were much easier said than done. I haven't taken outdoor self-portraits for a long time, and when I last did so, I was shooting on automatic, which was way easier. But shooting manual to get the exact effect you want requires you to be constantly adjusting settings, so even with a flip-screen and a remote trigger, it was a struggle. I even decided the crown looked kind of dumb, but here are the few surviving images.










